Selling your home is a decision all homeowners face at some point. The reasons for selling may vary. Sometimes it is a new job in a new area. Sometimes you need to upsize to accommodate a growing family. Or maybe you need to downsize? In any case, the process remains the same. So how do you decide if you should sell your house? The first question to address: When is the right time to talk to a REALTOR®?

Finding the right house can be exciting. You’ll consider different styles, different layouts and concepts and will even get the chance to walk through a few. Finding the right mortgage, on the other hand, is not as exciting. It takes industry knowhow and experience, and while it is ultimately up to you to navigate the mortgage process well, you do not have to go it alone. With the right help, you’ll know all the first-time homebuyer tips. 

There are many programs and incentives available to help first-time homebuyers. It’s definitely a good idea to get familiar with at least a few of them, but you should also find an expert you can trust. It is a mortgage expert’s job to understand which loan products may best fit your situation. In this piece, we’ll focus on the difference between an FHA Loan and the two conventional first-time buyer programs.

When should I talk to a REALTOR®?

It's a good question with a simple answer: As early as possible.

It's a good idea to start talking to REALTOR® as soon as you consider selling your home. A REALTOR® is a professional whose job it is to guide you through the process. The earlier you get them involved, the more helpful they can be. REALTORS® will help you understand the current market conditions in your area and what buyers are looking for. They will also provide valuable advice on how to prepare your home for sale, what to expect in the selling process and how to get the best price for your home.  

It's important to choose an agent who has experience selling homes in your area, and who you feel comfortable working with. You can then set up a meeting to discuss your plans and start the process of preparing your home for sale. If you're not sure where to start, you can ask friends or family members for recommendations, or search online for REALTORS® in your area. Chances are that if your friend or family member worked with a CapCenter REALTOR®, that will be their recommendation. CapCenter has everything you need to sell your home quickly and save money on the listing fee, regardless of when you want to sell.  

When is the best time to sell my house?

In general, the spring and summer months are the busiest times of year for the housing market.

The best time to sell your house will depend on several factors, including market conditions, your personal circumstances, and your financial goals. In general, the spring and summer months are the busiest times of year for the housing market. This is because more buyers are out looking for homes. There are, however, pros and cons to selling at any time of year.

Here are a few things to consider:

  • Market conditions: Look at trends in your local housing market, such as the average sale price of homes and how long they are on the market. This gives you an idea of what to expect when selling your home.
  • Personal circumstances: Consider your own circumstances, such as whether you have a new job or need to move for any other reason. This helps you determine if you need to sell your home quickly or can afford to wait.
  • Financial goals: Think about your financial goals and how selling your home fits into your plans. If you need to sell your home to free up equity or to move on to a new property, your timeline may be strict.

Ultimately, the best time to sell your house depends on your individual circumstances and goals. If you're unsure about the best timing for your situation, consult with a real estate agent for guidance.

What should I look out for when selling my home?

When selling your home, it's important to be aware of potential pitfalls and challenges that may arise.

Here are a few things to look out for:

  • Pricing: Make sure you price your home correctly from the start. If you overprice it, you may end up with fewer offers or spend extra, unnecessary time on the market. On the other hand, you may leave money on the table if you underprice it.
  • Disclosing defects: Be upfront about any defects or issues with the home. Failure to disclose known defects can lead to legal issues down the road.
  • Negotiating with buyers: Be prepared to negotiate with buyers but try to stay firm on your bottom line. Remember that you are in control of the process and can choose to accept or reject an offer.
  • Closing delays: Be aware that there may be delays in the closing process. This doesn’t always mean it won’t work out, but it could stall the sale.

By being aware of these potential challenges, you can be better prepared to handle them if they arise.

Should I buy before selling?

Well, it depends.

Whether you should buy a new home before selling your current one depends on your financial situation, the local housing market and your personal preferences.

Here are a few things to consider:

  • Financial situation: If you have the financial resources to carry both a mortgage on your current home and a new home, buying before selling could be a great option. You’ll have to consider this carefully. It can be a risky move as you'll be responsible for making payments on both properties until your current home sells.
  • Local housing market: If the housing market is strong and you think your home will sell quickly, it may be easier to buy a new home before selling your current one. On the other hand, if the market is slow, it may be better to wait until your current home sells before making a purchase.
  • Personal preferences: Consider how flexible you can be with your timeline. If you're in a hurry to move, buying a new home before selling your current one may be a good option. If you are willing to wait for the right offer on your current home, you may prefer to sell your current home before buying a new one.

Ultimately, the decision to buy a new home before selling your current one is a personal one. If you're unsure about the best course of action, it may be helpful to consult with a financial advisor or a real estate agent.

How do I get my home ready to sell?

Preparing and staging your home helps communicate its value. You can do a light refresh or bring in a professional staging service. Either way, it's a good idea to do a little home prep.

Exactly how far you want to go in preparing your home is a conversation between you and your REALTOR®. Still, there are some simple things to do to get your home ready to be seen by potential buyers.

  • Declutter and depersonalize: Remove excess clutter and personal items such as family photos, to help potential buyers envision themselves and their family in the home. Make the house as easy to move through and help potential buyers see themselves in the home.  
  • Repair, paint and clean: Fix any visible damage or maintenance issues, give the walls fresh paint and clean the house thoroughly. This helps the buyer see potential, rather than issues.  
  • Stage the home: Arrange furniture and decor in a way that highlights the best features of the home and makes each room feel spacious and welcoming. Your REALTOR® can help you with this.  
  • Buy more light bulbs: You want the home to be as bright and inviting as possible. Open the window shades and turn on the lights. If there are any dead bulbs, be sure to replace them.  

What can CapCenter do for me?

A lot. A CapCenter agent will assist you through the entire process, saving you money along the way. What's better? If you're buying in one of our areas we can help you get into your new home just as quickly as we helped sell your old house.

Curious what it’s like to sell with CapCenter? Put simply, you get top-notch service at a fraction of the cost. We have everything you need under one roof. We also have a lower listing fee, meaning you get more out of your home sale. Find out more about the process with our Home Seller’s Guide.

Sell for a 0% listing fee only if you also buy with CapCenter Realty within 365 days of closing on your CapCenter listing. If you sell first, we will initially charge a 1.5% listing fee, and then send you a check for the 1.5% difference after you buy your next home with CapCenter. For sales of less than $200,000, the listing fee is subject to a $2,000 minimum for 1% listings or $3,000 minimum for 1.5% listings. The buyer's agent fee is not included in the offer, e.g., if the buyer's agent fee is 3%, the seller will pay a total fee of 4% for 1% listings or 4.5% for 1.5% listings.  Offer is subject to the terms outlined in the seller's listing agreement. Only certain properties are eligible. See Disclosures for details.